Photoshop Gallery Spring 2012


Farewell and Best Wishes

It is that time of the year again – the end of a semester.

First, it is my pleasure of working with you this semester. Many thanks for your hard work. This course is not an easy one and I know most of you have been working hard, spendingĀ hoursĀ each week working on the assignments. I can see from your emails, yourĀ assignments,Ā and your finals.

By now, we have finished studying the content of this course. but I hope you have learned something beyond these technological terms and concepts, something beneficialĀ even after the semester is over. I hope I have helped you realize that:

  • you are capable of accomplishing anything in your life if you work hard on it;
  • you do not need to attend a school to learn. You can teach yourself. You are a self-learner;
  • time is precious. Use it wisely;
  • a deadline is aĀ deadĀ line. You can meet all the deadlines if you try.

At this time of departure, I would like to express my best wishes to all of you withĀ these Irish Blessings:

May the road rise up to meet you,
may the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and the rain fall softly on your fields…

The grades for the finals have been posted on the Blackboard. If there is anyĀ discrepancy, please let me know by Friday, December 21. Your final grades will be posted on CUNYFirst by Monday, December 24 .

Have a great holiday season!


Online Evaluation

The online course/faculty evaluation website is open for this semester atĀ The evaluation period is Friday, November 16 through Saturday, December 15.

Please take a few minutes to evaluate this course. Your evaluationĀ is useful in assessing the impact of teaching and is also part of the supporting materials used for the purposes of reappointment, tenure, and promotion. In addition, your evaluation will help other students to make decisions about what courses to take.

Thank you.


Simple Calendar

Nothing from August 25, 2017 to September 1, 2017.


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